"Coaching with Jane in a small group has been so meaningful.  She is professional, kind and wise. Jane leads our group in a way that both encourages and challenges. She loves learning and comes to us with fresh insights and relevant information. I feel safe with Jane’s wise leadership. I appreciate the affordability of group sessions with the added value of friendships developed in the safe and caring group. She guides us to dig deeper into our experiences and find truth. Jane often helps us develop an action step, no matter how small, to get us moving in a positive direction. Then she’s quick to call out and celebrate every win."
–Pam, North Carolina
"My mother passed away in 2020, and she was my best friend whom I could always talk with.  I love and miss her dearly! I was referred to Jane as a Life Coach, and over the last many months it has been so nice to have someone to process with about my life, and how I can keep going forward and not stay stuck.  Jane has been such a caring, non-judgmental and wise listener, and one who does not have her own agenda, and she’d always let me talk about what I wanted and then would give tips and food for thought!  One of the things that has really stuck with me is the idea that we only have so much time, talent, treasure, and capacity or energy each day, and that has helped me to make good daily decisions on how to spend each of those, and has brought balance to my life.

I would recommend anyone to have Jane as your life coach, to help you to keep going on with your life’s journey in a positive and healthy way.  At this time I have finished my sessions, but Jane has kept the door open for me to return should I want or need to, and I’m sure at some point I will."
–Alice, Colorado
"I left sessions with Jane refreshed and encouraged. She asked thought-provoking questions that helped me identify the root issue. I was amazed at how much she helped me uncover the reasons and motivations behind my thoughts and feelings. I was able to embrace new thought patterns that have continued to positively influence and impact my life in many ways."
–Crystal, Oklahoma
"Jane is indeed a Life Coach! The time spent in conversations with her was a gift to have her walk me through hard places. She listens with her heart and asks great questions that lead to self-discovery and awareness. So helpful!"
–Theresa, Arizona
"Jane is a very competent and caring coach.  She really gave me the space to explore what I was going through and is a great listener. I felt very heard in my coaching sessions with Jane and always left feeling lighter and encouraged."
–Christen, Missouri
"The coaching sessions with Jane helped me tremendously. Each session started with a focus and ended with personal action steps but I was most impressed with how Jane could pick up on my emotional responses and the way she really heard me as she listened. Coaching helped me identify my values and find the best ways to live them out. 
Jane never told me what to do, but instead listened and drew out of me the pieces of my heart I hadn't been listening to. This gave me a clearer picture of what I wanted and helped me identify a way to achieve it."
–Katie, Missouri
“Jane is a wonderful Coach that I have had the pleasure of working with weekly for months now. She has helped me through some very difficult times as well as with everyday questions and concerns. She brings an empathy and a wisdom that is unique and powerful! Thank you Jane!”
–Lacey, Alabama
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